Health & Safety

Here you will find information on Annual Risk Assessments and event-specific Risk Assessments, as well as links and information on both.
Here you will find information on Annual Risk Assessments and event-specific Risk Assessments, as well as links and information on both.

Annual Risk Assessments 

All groups are required to complete an annual risk assessment. This form will be completed by you and reviewed by the Communities Team at your Development Meeting, and will cover all regular, small-scale events like your meet and greets. The annual risk assessment aims to make it simpler and easier for you to run your regular activities. 


So, how does it work? 

  1. Committee will be sent an annual risk assessment template and complete it ahead of their development meeting with us to create an annual risk assessment based on each student groups expected activity for the year. 

  1. This will then cover each small-scale event on campus. 

  1. The form will act as a checklist for you to use before each event to make sure everything is in place. 

  1. If you want to host an event where the risk will change, e.g. an end of year ball, trip, games night, club night, etc., you will need to submit a risk assessment for that specific event as usual. 

  1. Each year your new student group committee will work with the Communities Team to update your annual risk assessment and ensure it is accurate. 

To book in a meeting to create your Annual Risk Assessment, please the Communities Team at

Individual Risk Assessment

An individual risk assessment is required for all larger scale/high risk events. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Parties/club events 

  • Events with 100+ attendees 

  • Balls 

  • Trips 

  • Overseas travel 

  • Children attending the event 

  • External Speaker Events 

The Communities Team will review all events forms and can request an individual risk assessment from a society if it is deemed appropriate. 

event-specific Risk Assessment Form

 Annual Risk Assessment Example

Stall Risk Assessment

If you would like a stall on campus, the risk assessment process for this is slightly different. You will need to fill out our Events Form, telling us in the ‘spaces’ section that you would like to host a stall. 

We will then send you over a completed Stall Risk Assessment to read, add to if necessary and confirm via email that you will follow. It will also include a brief section on the nature of the event, that you will need to fill out. The Students' Union will send you this form with enough time to get it filled out and sent back to us. 

Please note that for all stall bookings, you must fill out the Events Form with at least 10 working days notice. 

Model Stall Risk Assessment Form



If you need some further guidance please look at our training below. If you need an different layout for the training or a more accessible format please contact us.

How to Fill Out a Risk Assessment